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Yellow Stripe - Belt Curriculum

Train at home • Study for your belt test • Sharpen your skills

Yellow Stripe - Chon-Ji

Movements: 19


Chon-Ji means literally the “Heaven The Earth”. It is, in the Orient, interpreted as the creation of the world or the beginning of human history, therefore it is the initial pattern played by the beginner. This pattern consists of two similar parts – one to represent the Heaven and the other the Earth.

Kicking Combination:


Taekwon-Do Tenants




Self Control

Indomitable Spirit


Taekwon-Do Oath

  1. I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do

  2. I shall respect instructors and seniors

  3. I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do

  4. I will be a champion of freedom and justice

  5. I will build a more peaceful world


Taekwon-Do Pledge

  1. To train both mind and body through Tae Kwon Do

  2. To be a courageous opponent against untruth

  3. To promote a friendly relationship among all people

  4. To follow all the rules of Tae Kwon Do and the Instructor.


Student Creed

  1. I will develop myself for success both mentally and physically through positive habits and attitudes, Sir.

  2. I will develop focus and self discipline, in order to bring out the best in myself and others, Sir.

  3. I will use my martial arts constructively and defensively, building a strong community through my words and actions, and only using might for right, Sir.



  1. Be loyal to the king

  2. Be obedient to your friends

  3. Be honorable to your friends

  4. Never retreat in battle

  5. Always make a just act


Children's Home Rules

  1. Children must respect their parents and family members at all times.

  2. Children must greet their parents when they enter the home and say goodbye when they leave.

  3. Children must be truthful at all times.

  4. Children must maintain a good relationship with their brothers and sisters at all times.

  5. Children must help with household chores.

  6. Children must keep their own room neat and clean at all times.

  7. Children must keep their hair, teeth, and body parts clean at all times.

  8. Children must not interrupt adult conversations.

  9. Children must do their schoolwork at school and at home.

  10. Children must respect their teachers and peers at all times.

  11. Children who do not obey these rules may be reduced in rank!

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